Major League Hacking 2017 Hackathon Season
Announcements and Notifications

Join one of the following and turn on notifications for updates

WiFi Access

To access WiFi, you need to join one of the falling

EDUROAM Preferred: You must have already set up EduRoam at your school for it to work here.
UNC-Guest-PSK The password is 'HolyChampionshipsBatman' - Visit the Help Desk if you need help setting up!
UNC GuestLimited access. Only has port 80 and 443 open. Bad for hacking.
Help Desk

For both technical and non-technical issues, The best place to get help from a HackNC organizer is the help desk.

Prizes & Submissions

Submission process! Go to devpost and create a new hack. Make sure to (1) note what prizes you are applying for and (2) get all your teammates added as contributors on the project. Demos will begin at 9:00AM and judges will come to your table to see your hack. Keep devpost simple!

Travel Reimbursement

To recieve reimbursement, you must have: (1) Registered in advance, (2) Kept receipts, (3) Traveled more than 50 miles from school, and (4) Must have submitted a project. Fill out the below form to begin the process:

Hardware Lab

We have hardware! If you want to borrow something, head on over to the Hardware desk.

Location: Woollen Gym


Need help with your hack? Stuck? Need ideas? Talk to a mentor! This year, HackNC is using HelpQ.